Chainsaw Services
A Word of Caution: Performing any kind of self-service on your chainsaw’s motor is not advised.
These machines run at around 14,000 rpm, and any parts not tightened to the correct tolerance can pose a serious safety hazard at normal operating speed.
If your Stihl gas-powered chainsaw is not running properly (or at all), Tech Check is the recommended procedure for diagnosing any engine problems. This comprehensive procedure was developed by Stihl to identify and isolate any possible mechanical failure, and should be performed on any Stihl gas-powered units not running correctly.
Tune Up is routine for working units with no complaints, or for the saw that may not be exhibiting problems, but has not been maintained for a while.
Maintaining Your Machine
Like Stihl’s other handheld equipment, Stihl chainsaws are powered with two-cycle motors that run on a 50:1 gas/oil mix. You can mix this yourself, or use Stihl’s Motomix, a pre-mixed and stabilized fuel with a long shelf life.
These saws also have oil reservoirs that must be filled to keep the chain lubricated. Be sure to read your manual and follow its recommendations to maximize longevity and performance. Arn’s also offers an in-house sharpening service for your chainsaw.
With a new chainsaw, it’s necessary to run-in the motor for five or ten minutes before trying to cut anything with it; this is an important checklist item for the saw’s first use. Unfortunately, some users have done this at high idle speed with the chain brake engaged, burning out the saw’s centrifugal clutch in the process. Such damage is regarded as misuse and is not covered by the warranty. This underscores the importance of reading your equipment manual.
When working with a new chain, it is important to tension it three or four times in the first half hour of operation. Do this, and that chain will stay tight. Fail to do this, and you’ll wind up running the saw loose early on; this dulls the chain and leads to the use of excessive pressure in the cut, burning up the saw prematurely.
Your operating manual will give you specifics; try and be one of the exceptional folks who actually reads it! You’ll do well to maintain a written log of your usage